Marina Cattaruzza

Dr. Marina Cattaruzza

Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, Universität Bern.


Some recent publications

L’Italia e la questione adriatica. Dibattiti parlamentari e panorama internazionale (1918-1926). Il Mulino.

Territorial Revisionism and the Allies of Germany in the Second World War: Goals, Expectations, Practices. Berghahn Books

L’Italia e il confine orientale: 1866-2006. Il Mulino.

Other Publications.

Texts to download

“How Much does Historical Truth Still Matter?”Historein: a review of the past and other stories, n. 11, pp. 49-58.

“Negotiated history? Bilateral historical commissions in twentieth-century Europe”, in Harriet Jones, Kjell Östberg and Nico Randeraad, eds. Contemporary history on trial. Europe since 1989 and the role of the expert historian. Manchester University Press, pp. 123-143.

“Università e accademie negli anni del fascismo e del nazismo” in Pier Giorgio Zunino, ed. Atti del Convegno Internazionale Torino, 11-13 Maggio 2005. Leo S. Olschki Editore, pp. 345-363.