Dr. Jayne Svenungsson
Professor of Systematic Theology, Lund University.
e-mail: jayne@svenungsson.net
web: https://lu.academia.edu/JayneSvenungsson
Some recent publications
- Svenungsson, J. (2015).
Divining History: Prophetism, Messianism and the Development of the Spirit. Berghahn Books.
- Svenungsson, J. ; Bornemark, J. & Martinson, M., eds. (2014).
Monument and Memory. LIT Verlag.
- Svenungsson, J.; Namli, E. & Vincent, A. M., eds. (2014).
Jewish Thought, Utopia, and Revolution. Rodopi.
Texts to download
- Svenungsson, J. (2014).
“A Secular Utopia: Remark on the Löwith–Blumenberg Debate”, in Namli, E. Svenungsson, J. & Vincent, A., eds. Jewish Thought, Utopia and Revolution. Rodopi, pp., 69–84.
- Svenungsson, J. (2014).
“Notes on a Tragedy: Freud on the Great War”. Conference paper, Theologies and the Great War, Winchester, 2014.
- Svenungsson, J. (2011).
“Enlightened Prejudices: Anti-Jewish Tropes in Modern Philosophy”, in Ers, A. & Ruin, H., eds. Conceptualizing History: Essays on History, Memory and Representation. Södertörn University, pp. 279-290.
- Svenungsson, J. (2010).
“Wrestling with Angels: Or How to Avoid Decisionist Messianic Romances”. International Journal of Zizek Studies, vol. 4, no. 4.
- Svenungsson, J. (2010).
“Tradition and Transformation: Towards a Messianic Critique of Religion”, in Bornemark, J. & Ruin, H., eds. Phenomenology and Religion: New Frontiers. Södertörn University, pp. 205-222.