About Us

About Us


Nature of the Web Portal

Culturahistorica.org is a multilingual portal started in 2009. It offers texts and images about the ways in which human communities relate to the past. How have these views evolved, and how has historical culture been configured: our interpretation and reading of the past?

The web portal presents, on the one hand, the contributions of art and culture: historical novel and cinema; photographs, paintings, and sculptures that represented and shaped history. On the other hand, it provides the gifts of the Academy: more than 600 academic texts of first-class professors, on historiography, theory of history, and reflection on social memory. Finally, the web portal shows editorial novelties, news and links to enlarge our understanding -always renewed- of history.

This platform, without commercial purpose, invites all visitors to an extraordinary adventure: to explore the endless plasticity of the human condition in time.

Dr. Enrique

Director of Culturahistorica.org

Professor of the Department of History and Art at the University of Piura (UDEP, Lima). Extraordinary PhD Award in Humanities at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF, Barcelona). Author of El resurgimiento católico en la literatura europea moderna (1890-1945) (Ediciones Encuentro, 2014), also published in English as The Catholic Revival in Modern European Literature (1890–1945) (Peter Lang, 2018), as well as many papers on comparative literature and intellectual history. He has conducted research stays in Washington D.C., London, Paris, Madrid, and Barcelona.

Dr. Fernando

Deputy Director of Culturahistorica.org

Historian and politician. Professor at the Faculty of Communication at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. He has a B.A. in Humanities (Extraordinary Award) and in Journalism, and a PhD in Humanities at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. He has published A l’ombra del 1714. Memòria pública i debat polític a la Barcelona de la Segona República (2013), as well as papers on historical culture and public memory in academic journals. He has coedited the books A vueltas con el pasado. Historia, memoria y vida (2013), and En defensa de la democracia. Crisis política, populismo y nacionalismo de Barcelona a Washington (2019). He has been congressman at the Parlament of Catalunya. From 2019, he is the President of Societat Civil Catalana (SCC).

Dr. Guillermo
Arquero Caballero

Historical Advisor

Doctor in Medieval History, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), to which he was linked as a predoctoral fellow (Oriol Urquijo, FPI and FPU scholarships) and where he obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. He has taught at the UCM, the Universidad de Piura and, currently, at the UNED. He is the author of several academic works and has participated in numerous international conferences on topics related to medieval political and theological thought, Church history and the evangelization of Peru. In the historical field, his interests also extend to cultural history and to philosophy.

Dr. Dr. Fernando Sánchez-Marcos

Founder of Culturahistorica.org

In Memoriam

He was Professor Emeritus of Early Modern History at the University of Barcelona (UB). Member of the International Commission on Theory and History of Historiography (from CICH), in which bureau took part from 1990 to 1999. He contributed to the born of Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna. He was vice president of the Spanish Foundation of Early Modern History. He is a member of the Editorial board of FilmHistoria on-line. Among his publications, stands out Invitación a la Historia: La historiografía, de Heródoto a Voltaire, a través de sus textos (2002, 3 ed.), Historia de la historiografía española (2004, 2 ed., coautor), and Las huellas del futuro. Historiografía y cultura histórica en el siglo XX (2012), as well as other books and collaborations in academic journals. He founded the web portal Culturahistorica in 2009 and ran it until the last day of his life.