Chun-Chieh Huang

Dr. Chun-Chieh Huang

University Chair Professor and Dean of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University (NTU).

Director of the Program of East Asian Confucianisms, National Taiwan University.

National Chair Professor, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, ROC.


Some recent publications

Taiwan in Transformation: 1895-2005: The Challenge of a New Democracy to an Old Civilization. Transaction Publishers.

Notions of Time in Chinese Historical Thinking. Chinese University Press.

Mencian Hermeneutics: A History of Interpretations in China. Transaction Publishers.

Texts to download

“‘Time’ and ‘Supertime’ in Chinese Historical Thinking”, in Huang, C.-C. & Henderson, J. B., eds. Notions of Time in Chinese Historical Thinking. Chinese University Press, pp. 19-42.

“Introduction: Notions of Time in Chinese Historical Thinking”, in Huang, C.-C. & Henderson, J. B., eds. Notions of Time in Chinese Historical Thinking. Chinese University Press, pp. ix-xvi.

“Salient Features of Chinese Historical Thinking”The Medieval History Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 243-254.

“A New Perspective in the History of East Asian Confucianism: Some Reflections on Confucian Hermeneutics”Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 235-260.

“Chinese Hermeneutics as Politics, Apologetics, Pilgrimage”, in Huang, C.-C. Mencian Hermeneutics: A History of Interpretations in China. Transaction Publishers, pp. 255-267.

“The Ch’in Unification (221 B.C.) in Chinese Historiography”, in Edward Wang, Q. & Iggers, G. G., eds. Turning Points in Historiography: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. The University of Rochester Press, pp. 31-44.

“Mencius’ Hermeneutics of Classics”Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 15-29.