Jaap den Hollander

Dr. Jaap den Hollander

Associate professor of History (Emeritus), University of Groningen.

e-mail: j.c.den.hollander@rug.nl

Some recent publications

Grenzen in beweging. De wereld van 1945 tot heden. Spectrum.

De lange twintigste eeuw. Van 1870 tot heden. Spectrum.

“Introduction: The Metaphor of Historical Distance”. History and Theory, vol. 50, pp. 1-10.

Texts to download

“Historicism, Hermeneutics, Second Order Observation: Luhmann Observed by a Historian”, in López-Varela, A., ed. Social Sciences and Cultural Studies – Issues of Language, Public Opinion, Education and Welfare. Intech Open Access, pp. 39-58.

 “Contemporary History and the Art of Self-Distancing”History and Theory, vol. 50, pp. 51-67.

“Beyond Historicism: From Leibniz to Luhmann”Journal of the Philosophy of History, vol. 4, pp. 210-225.

“Trust, distrust, and democratic stability”, in Ankersmit, F. & Velde, H., eds. Trust: Cement of Democracy. Peeters, pp. 13-29.