Dr. h.c. mult. Jürgen Kocka
Emeritus Professor of History of the Industrial World, Freie Universität Berlin.
Former President of the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).
Member of several academies and of the Research Board of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
e-mail: kocka@wzb.eu
Some recent publications
- Kocka, J. (2018).
Capitalism: The Reemergence of a Historical Concept. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Kocka, J. (2017).
Capitalism: A Short History. Princeton University Press.
- Kocka, J. (2010).
Work in a Modern Society: The German Historical Experience in Comparative Perspective. Berghahn Books.
Texts to download
- Kocka, J. (2018).
“From Germany to the USA and Back. In Remembrance of Georg G. Iggers”. Storia della Storiografia, Vol 79, No. 1, pp. 11-16.
- Kocka, J. (2017).
“1989/91 as a Caesura in the Study of History: A Personal Retrospective”, in M. Burchardt and G. Kirn, eds. Beyond Neoliberalism. Social Analysis after 1989. Palgrave/Macmillan, pp. 257-269.
- Kocka, J. (2010).
“Entrevista de la Dra. Verónica Zárate al Dr. Jürgen Kocka”. Comité Mexicano de Ciencias Históricas, Amsterdam, 25 de agosto de 2010, pp. 1-13.
- Kocka, J. (2009).
“Comparative History: Methodology and Ethos”. East Central Europe, Vol 36, No. 1, pp. 12-19.