Dr. Stefan Berger
Profesor de Alemán Moderno e Historia Europea Comparada, University of Manchester.
Director Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Manchester.
e-mail: stefan.berger@manchester.ac.uk
Algunas publicaciones recientes
- Berger, S. (2014).
Social Democray and the Working Class: in Nineteenth- and Twentieth- Century Germany. Routledge.
- Berger, S. & Conrad, C. (2014).
The Past as History: National Identity and Historical Consciousness in Modern Europe (Writing the Nation). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Berger, S. & LaPorte, N. (2014).
Friendly Enemies: Britain and the GDR, 1949-1990. Berghahn Books.
Textos para descargar
- Berger, S. (2006).
«National Historiographies in Transnational perspective: Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries». Storia della Storiografia, no. 50, pp. 3-26.
- Berger, S. (1995).
«Historians and Nation Building». Past & Present, no. 148, pp. 187-222.