Textos académicos (por Tema)

Textos Académicos para Descargar


1. Teoría de la historia

1.1. Historia, ética y derechos humanos

Andrés-Gallego, J. (2007). “Los españoles, entre reconquista, expulsión y América: el descubrimiento del derecho de gentes”. (La traducción italiana fue publicada como “La Spagna medievale, tra Reconquista, espulsione e America: La scoperta del diritto delle genti”. La nuova Europa: Rivista internazionale di cultura, no. 1, pp. 31-46).

Andrés-Gallego, J. (2000). Derecho y justicia en la España y la América prerrevolucionarias. Fundación Histórica Tavera.

Bevernage, B. (2014). “Transitional Justice and Historiography: Challenges, Dilemmas and Possibilites”Macquarie Law Journal, Vol. 13, pp. 7-24.

Bevernage, B. (2011). “History by Parliamentary Vote: Science, Ethics and Politics in the Lumumba Commission”History Compass, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 300-311.

Bevernage, B. (2010). “Writing the Past out of the Present. History and Politics of Time in Transitional Justice”History Workshop Journal, No. 69, pp. 111-131.

Bevernage, B. (2008). “Time, Presence and Historical Injustice”History and Theory, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 149-167.

Bouton, C. (2011). “Capable of Dying, Capable of Killing. Questions of War Heroism”Esprit, Vol. 1, pp. 119-132.

Cañizares-Esguerra, J. & Sidbury, J. (2011). “On The Genesis of Destruction, and Other Missing Subjects”William and Mary Quaterly, 3d ser., 68, No. 2, pp. 240-246.

De Baets, A. (2019). “The Historian-King: Political Leaders, Historical Consciousness, and Wise Government”, en S. Berger, ed. The Engaged Historian: Perspectives on the Intersections of Politics, Activism and the Historical Profession. Berghahn, pp. 79-117.

De Baets, A. (2019). “The Censorship of History and Fact-Finding in Brazil (1964–2018)”, en N. Schneider, ed. The Brazilian Truth Commission in the Latin American Context: Local, National, and Global Perspectives. Berghahn, pp. 68-85.

De Baets, A. (2019). Book review of M. Ignatieff and S. Roch, eds. Academic Freedom: The Global Challenge. Central European University Press, 2018. En Connections: A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists and H-Soz-Kult, junio de 2019.

De Baets, A. (2019). “Leyes que rigen la libertad de expresión del historiador: una visión comparativa en el mundo contemporáneo”. Procesos: Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia, no. 49, pp. 133-170.

De Baets, A. (2019). “Combatting Crimes against History”. History News Network, 10 de febrero de 2019.

De Baets, A. (2019). “Fake News about the Past is a Crime against History”. World University News, 4 de mayo de 2019.

De Baets, A. (2018). “Laws Governing the Historian’s Free Expression”, en B. Bevernage & Nico Wouters, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of State-Sponsored History After 1945. Palgrave-MacMillan, pp. 39-67.

De Baets, A. (2017). “The United Nations Human Rights Committee’s View of the Past”, en U. Belavusau & A. Gliszczyńska, eds. Law and Memory: Towards Legal Governance of History. Cambridge University Press, pp. 29-47.

De Baets, A. (2016). “Censorship by European States of Views on Their Past as Colonizers”, en L. Martin, ed. Les Censures dans le monde, XIXe−XXIe siècle (Censorship in the world, 19th-21st centuries). Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 229-245.

De Baets, A. (2016). “A Historian’s View of the International Freedom of Expression Framework”. Secrecy and Society, vol. 1, no. 1, artículo 8, 18 páginas.

De Baets, A. (2016). “A Historian’s View on the Right to Be Forgotten”. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, vol. 30, nos. 1-2, pp. 57-66.

De Baets, A. (2016). “Plutarch’s Thesis: The Contribution of Refugee Historians to Historical Writing (1945–2015)”. Storia della Storiografia / History of Historiography, vol. 69 no. 1, pp. 27-38.

De Baets, A. & Berger, S. (2016). “Reflections on Exile Historiography”. Storia della Storiografia / History of Historiography, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 11-26.

De Baets, A. (2015). “Democracy and Historical Writing”Historiografías, No. 9, pp. 31-43.

De Baets, A. (2015). De Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en de historicus. Pallas Publications / Amsterdam University Press.

De Baets, A. (2015). “History of Human Rights”, en J. D. Wright, ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol. 11. Elsevier, pp. 367–374.

De Baets, A. (2015). “Post-Conflict History Education Moratoria: A Balance”World Studies in Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 5-30.

De Baets, A. (2014). “Censorship of History in France and the Netherlands (1945-2014): A Survey”Deshima, No. 8, pp. 253-278.

De Baets, A. (2014). “The Year Zero: Iconoclastic Breaks with the Past”, en R. Koziol & M. Mikolajczyk, eds. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, 165. Studia Politologica XIII. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP, pp. 3-18.

De Baets, A. (2013). “Archivists killed for political reasons”Comma: International Journal on Archives, No. 2, pp. 123–134.

De Baets, A. (2013). “Uma teoria do abuso da História”Revista Brasileira de História, Vol. 33, No. 65, pp. 17-60.

De Baets, A. (2012). “Does Inhumanity Breed Humanity? Investigation of a Paradox”History and Theory, Vol. 51, pp. 451-465.

De Baets, A. (2012). “The Abuse of History” (En ruso).

De Baets, A. (2012). “The Dark Side of Historical Writing: Reflections on the Censorship of History Worldwide (1945-2012)”, en G. Resta & V. Zeno-Zencovich, eds. Riparare, risarcire, ricordare: un dialogo tra storici e giuristi. Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 343-370.

De Baets, A. (2011). “Censorship and History since 1945”, en A. Schneider & D. Woolf, eds. The Oxford History of Historical Writing, volume 5, 1945 to Present. Oxford University Press, pp. 52-73.

De Baets, A. (2011). “Conceptualising Historical Crimes”Historein, Vol. 11, pp. 60-70.

De Baets, A. (2011). “History and Human Rights”Storia della Storiografia, Vols. 59-60, pp. 43-49.

De Baets, A. (2011). “Taxonomy of Concepts Related to the Censorship of History”Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, Vol. 19, pp. 53-65.

De Baets, A. (2011). “Historical Imprescriptibility”Storia della Storiografia, No. 59-60, pp. 128-149.

De Baets, A. (2011). “History and Human Rights: Introduction to the Special Issue”Storia della Storiografia, No. 59-60, pp. 43-49.

De Baets, A. (2011). “How Free Expression and Academic Freedom Differ”University Values: A Bulletin on International Academic Freedom, Autonomy & Responsibility, No. 3.

De Baets, A. (2011). “Plutarch’s Thesis: The Contribution of Refugee Historians to Historical Writing, 1945-2010”Proceedings of the British Academy, No. 169, pp. 211-224.

De Baets, A. (2011). Taxonomy of Concepts Related to the Censorship of History”, en S. Maret, ed. Government Secrecy, Series Research in Social Problems and Public Policy. Emerald, No. 19, pp. 53–65.

De Baets, A. (2010). “O impacto da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos no estudo da História”História da Historiografia, No. 5, pp. 86-114.

De Baets, A. (2010). “Onverjaarbare historische misdrijven”Internationale Spectator, Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 293-297.

De Baets, A. (2009). “The Impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the Study of History”. History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History, No. 48, pp. 20-43.

De Baets, A. (2009). “A Code of Ethics for Historians (proposal)”, en A. De Baets. Responsible History. Berghahn, pp. 188-196.

De Baets, A. (2008). “The Abuse of History: Demarcations, Definitions and Historical Perspectives”, en H. Hoen & M. Kemperink, eds. Vision in Text and Image: The Cultural Turn in the Study of Arts. Peeters, pp. 159-173.

De Baets, A. (2007). Postume privacy en reputatie”, en H. Renders & G. Voerman, eds. Privé in de politieke biografie. Boom, pp. 108-123.

De Baets, A. (2007). “A Successful Utopia: The Doctrine of Human Dignity”Historein: A Review of the Past and Other Stories, No. 7, pp. 71-85.

De Baets, A. (2006). “The Network of Concerned Historians: A Decade of Campaigning”History Australia: The Australian Historical Association, Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 16.1-16.4.

De Baets, A. (2006). “Histoire et diffamation”, en P. Durand, P. Hébert, J.-Y. Mollier & F. Valloton, eds. La censure de l’imprimé: Belgique, France, Québec et Suisse romande, XIXe et XXe siècles. Éditions Nota Bena, pp. 397-428.

De Baets, A. (2005). “Last Rites, Old Wrongs”The Times Higher Education Supplement, No. 1861 (4 March), p. 16.

De Baets, A. (2005). “Argumenten voor en tegen een ethische code voor historici”Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Vol. 118, No. 4, pp. 564-571.

De Baets, A. (2005). “Ethische codes als kompassen: een nawoord”Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Vol. 118, No. 4, pp. 581-582.

De Baets, A. (2004). “A Declaration of the Responsibilities of Present Generations Toward Past Generations”. History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History, No. 43, pp. 130-164.

De Baets, A. (2003). “Na de genocide Waarheidsstrategieën van rechters en historici”Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Vol. 116, No. 2, pp. 212-230.

De Baets, A. (2002). “Defamation Cases against Historians”History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 346-366.

De Baets, A. (2001). “Human Rights, History of”, en N. J. Smelser & P.  B. Baltes, eds. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 10Elsevier-Pergamon, pp. 7012-7018.

Domanska, E. (2018). “La justicia epistémica y la descolonización del poscolonialismo (caso de Europa Central y del Este)”, en Jan Stanisław Ciechanowski & C. González Caizán, eds. Spain- India – Russia. Centres, Borderlands and Peripheries of Civilizations. Warsaw, pp. 449-459.

Domanska, E. (2017). «Dehumanisation Through Decomposition and the Force of Law,” en Z. Dziuban, ed. Mapping the ‘Forensic Turn:’ The Engagements with Materialities of Mass Death in Holocaust Studies and Beyond. New Academic Press, pp. 89-104.

Hollander, J. (2004). “Trust, distrust, and democratic stability”, en F. Ankersmit, & H. Velde, eds. Trust: Cement of Democracy. Peeters, pp. 13-29.

Kalela, J. (2011). “What is History For?”History Worshop Online (HWO).

Liakos, A. (2007).  “Utopian and Historical Thinking: Interplays and Transferences”Historein, No. 7, pp. 20-57.

Lorenz, C. (2014). “Can a criminal event in the past disappear in a garbage bin in the present? Dutch colonial memory and human rights: the case of Rawagede”, en M. Tamm, ed. Afterlife of events: perspectives of mnemohistory. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 219-241.

Oleynikov, A. (2012). ”The Protean Nature of The Republican Freedom and The Problem of Its Historical Endurance”. European University at St. Petesburg.

Paul, H. (2009). “How Historians Learn to Make Historical Judgments”Journal of the Philosophy of History, Vol. 3, pp. 90-108.

Rosenfeld, S. (2018). “Human Rights and the Idea of Choice”. Universidad de Viena. 10ª Conferencia sobre Historia de los Derechos Humanos y Democracia, celebrada el 23 de mayo de 2018.

Sánchez-Marcos, F. (2000). “Verdad, libertad y solidaridad: los compromisos éticos del historiador”, en C. Barros, ed. Actas del II Congreso Internacional Historia a Debate, Vol. 2, pp. 240-242.

Taylor, Q. (2004). “Justice is Slow but Sure: the Civil Rights Movement in the West: 1950-1970”. Nevada Law Journal, Vol. 5, No. 84, pp. 84-92.

1.2. Historia y experiencia del tiempo

Armitage, D. (2020). “In Defense of Presentism”, en D. M. McMahon, ed. History and Human Flourishing. Oxford University Press.

Armitage, D. (2015). “Horizons of History: Space, Time, and the Future of the Past”. History Australia, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 207-25.

Armitage, D. (2015). “Le retour de la longue durée: une perspective anglo-américaine”. Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 289-318.

Aurell, J. (2018). “Writing Beyond Time: the Durability of Historical Texts”History and Theory, Vol. 56, pp. 50-70.

Barash, J. A. (2008). “Why Remember the Historical Past?  Reflections on Historical Skepticism in our Times”Hermeneutik der Geschichte/Hermeneutik der KunstInternationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik, Vol. 7, pp. 79-91.

Bashir, S. (2014). “On Islamic Time: Rethinking Chronology in the Historiography of Muslim Societies”. History and Theory, No. 53, pp. 519-544.

Bevernage, B. (2012). “From Philosophy of History to Philosophy of Historicities. Some Ideas on a Potential Future of Historical Theory”Low Countries Historical Review, Vol. 127, No. 4, pp. 113-120.

Beevor, A. (2003). “Stalingrad and Researching the Experience of War”. Lees-Knowles Lectures, Cambridge, No. 1.

Beevor, A. (2003). “Armies and Military History in a Post-Military Age”. Lees-Knowles Lectures, Cambridge, No. 4.

Black, J. (1996). “Could the British Have Won the American War of Independence?”. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, Vol. 74, No. 299, pp. 145-154.

Brauer, D. (2007). “Configuraciones de la memoria social. Estratos del recuerdo y formas sociales de la memoria”, en Felten, Uta, Maurer, Isabel y A. Torres, eds. Intermedialität in Hispanoamerika: Brüche und Zwischenräume / Intermedialidad en Hispanoamérica: rupturas e intersticios. Tubinga – Stauffenburg, pp. 247-256.

Brauer, D. (2005). “Rememoración y verdad en la narrativa histórica”, en Cruz, M. y D. Brauer, comp. La comprensión del pasado: Escritos sobre Filosofía de la Historia. Herder, pp. 13-39

Brauer, D. (2002). «La memoria productiva. Acerca de la concepción de Hegel del recuerdo y la memoria». Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.319-337.

Brauer, D. (2002). “La fragilidad del pasado”, en Cruz, M., ed. Hacia dónde va el pasado. El porvenir de la memoria en el mundo contemporáneo. Paidós, pp. 35-52.

Brauer, D. (2000). «Significado y verdad en la narración histórica. Una re-visión de la objetividad historiográfica”Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 47-66.

Brauer, D. (1999). “La teoría hegeliana de la historia de la filosofía”Cuadernos de Filosofía (Buenos Aires), no. 44.

Brauer, D. (1995). «Utopía e Historia en el Proyecto de Kant de una ‘Paz Perpetua’», en Gerhardt, V. et al. Kant e a instituçao da paz. Goethe-Institut / Editora da Universidade-UFRGS, pp. 210-221.  

Brauer, D. (1993). «La Filosofía Idealista de la Historia», en Reyes Mate, M., ed. Filosofía de la Historia [vol. 5 de la Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Madrid], pp. 85-118.

Díaz Arias, D. (2009). “Reflexiones sobre la experiencia histórica”.

Domanska, E. (2018). “Affirmative Humanities”Dějiny – teorie – kritika [Czech Republic], No. 1, pp. 9-26.

Domanska, E. (2009). “Frank Ankersmit: From Narrative to Experience”Rethinking History, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 175-195.

Domanska, E. (2006). “The Material Presence of the Past”. History and Theory, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 337-348.

Grever, M. (2008). “The Choreography of Time: Temporality at Nineteenth Century World Expositions”. Rotterdam.

Grever, M. (2008). “The Twofold Character of Time”. Rotterdam.

Gumbrecht, H. U. (2018). “Three notes on contingency today: stress, science — and consolation from the past?”.

Hartog, F. (2011). “The Disturbing Strangeness of History”Esprit, Vol. 2, pp. I-XII.

Jansen, H. (2022). “Time Gardens, Time Figures and Time Regimes”. History and Theory, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 492-505.

Jansen, H. (2021). “Time”. Bloomsbury, History and Method.

Jansen, H. (2020). Hidden in Historicism. Time Regimes since 1700. London and New York: Routledge.

Jansen, H. (2019). “Research, Narrative and Representation”. History and Theory, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 67-88.

Jansen, H. (2016). “Rethinking Burckhardt and Huizinga. A Transformation of Temporal Images”. Storia della Storiografia, Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 95-112.

Jansen, H. (2016). “In Search of New Times: Temporality in the Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment”. History and Theory, Vol. 55, No.1, pp. 66-90.

Jansen, H. (2015). “Time, Narrative, and Fiction. The Uneasy Relationship between Ricoeur and a Heterogenous Temporality”. History and Theory, Vol. 54, No.1., pp. 1-24.

Lorenz, C. (2014). “It takes three to tango. History between the ‘historical’ and the ‘practical’ past”Storia della Storiografia, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 29-46.

Lorenz, C. (2014). “Blurred Lines. History, Memory and the Experience of Time”International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 43-63.

Lorenz, C. (2010). “Unstuck in Time: the sudden presence of the past”, en K. Tilmans, F. van Vree & J. Winter, eds. Performing the Past. Memory, History and Identity in Modern Europe. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 67-105.

Mudrovcic, M. I. (2013). “Regímenes de historicidad y regímenes historiográficos: del pasado histórico al pasado presente”. Historiografías, No. 5, pp. 11-31.

Mudrovcic, M. I. (2012). “La Nación, el Tiempo Histórico y la Modernidad: la historia como síntoma”. Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía, Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades, Universidad de Morón, Vol. 17, pp. 25-38.

Mudrovcic, M. I. (2007). “El debate en torno a la representación de acontecimientos límites del pasado reciente: alcances del testimonio como fuente”. Dianoia, Vol. 52, No. 59, pp. 127-150.

Ovalle, D. (2019). “Pensar la conciencia histórica contemporánea. Historicidad y teoría de la historia”, en P. Aravena, ed. Representación histórica y nueva experiencia del tiempo. Editorial América en Movimiento, pp. 49-63. 

Paul, H. (2014). “What Could It Mean for Historians to Maintain a Dialogue With the Past?”Journal of the Philosophy of History, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 445-463.

Paul, H. (2014). “Relations to the Past: A Research Agenda for Historical Theorists”Rethinking History.

Paul, H. (2012). “Everything is Tottering. Why Philosophy of History Thrives in Times of Crisis”Low Countries Historical Review, Vol. 127, No. 4, pp. 103-112.

Rousso, H. (2012). “The Last Catastrophe. The Writing of Contemporary History”Cadernos do Tempos Presente, No. 11, pp. 267-286.

Tamm, M. & Lorenz, C. (2014). “Who knows where the time goes?”Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice. Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 499-521.

Wasserman, F. (2015). “Experiences of Time and Conceptual Change in the Río de La Plata Revolutionary Process (1780-1840)”. Almanack. Guarulhos, No. 10, pp. 278-301.

Woolf, D. (2016). “Concerning Altered Pasts: Reflections of an Early Modern Historian”. Journal of the Philosophy of History, no. 10, pp. 415-34.

Woolf, D. (2013). “Afterword: Shadows of the Past in Early Modern England”. Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 638-50.

Woolf, D. (2001). “News, History and the Construction of the Present in Early Modem England”, en B. Dooley and S. Baron, eds. The Politics of Information in Early Modern Europe. Routledge, pp. 80-118.

1.3. La configuración de la representación histórica

Ankersmit, F. (2007). Entrevista con Frank Ankersmit (por Frode Molven).

Aurell, J. (2020). “Practicing Theory and Theorizing Practice”. Rethinking History, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 229-251.

Aurell, J. (2020). “Historias Cruzadas. Diálogos Hispano-atlánticos. Diálogo I: Jaume Aurell”. Buenos Aires: Fundación para la Historia de España.

Aurell, J. (2020). “Wonder: From Poetics to Politics”. History and Theory, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 459-470.

Aurell, J. (2008). “Del logocentrismo a la textualidad: la autobiografía académica como intervención historiográfica”Edad Media: revista de historia, No. 9, pp. 193-222.

Bevernage, B. & Aerts, K. (2009). “Haunting pasts: time and historicity as constructed by the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo and radical Flemish nationalists”Social History, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 391-408.

Bolaños de Miguel, A. (2011). “Historiografía y postmodernidad: la teoría de la representación de F. R. Ankersmit”Historia y Política, No. 25, pp. 271-308.

Burke, P. (1998). “Two Crises of Historical Consciousness”Storia della Storiografia, No. 33, pp. 3-16.

Catroga, F. (2009). “Una poética da ausência. A representificaçao do ausente”, en F. Catroga. Os passos do homem como restolho do tempo. Memória e fim do fim da história. Almedina, pp. 33-54. 

Cattaruzza, M. (2011). “How Much does Historical Truth Still Matter?”Historein: a review of the past and other stories, No. 11, pp. 49-58.

Dikötter, F. & Shao, Q. (2017). “History as Humanity’s CV: A Conversation with Frank Dikötter”. The Chinese Historical Review, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 166–182.

Domanska, E. (2006). “The Return to Things”. Archaeologia Polona, Vol. 44, pp. 171-185.

Dosse, F. (2005). “Historiser les traces mémorielles”. Conferencia pronuncia en Tallin en noviembre de 2005.

Dosse, F. (2001). “Le moment Ricœur de l’opération historiographique”Vingtième siècle, revue d’histoire, No. 69, pp. 137-152.

Elliott, J. H. (2009). “Sin imaginación, el historiador se convierte en anticuario”.Entrevista a Sir John H. Elliott. AH (Andalucía en la Historia), año 6, No. 23, pp. 76-80.

Fasolt, C. (2013). “Breaking up Time—Escaping from Time: Self-Assertion and Knowledge of the Past”, en C. Lorez & B. Bevernage, eds. Breaking Up Time: Negotiating the Borders between Present, Past and Future. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. 176-196.

Finney, P. (2008). “Hayden White, International History and Questions Too Seldom Posed”Rethinking History, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 103-123.

Gil, X. (2008). “Sobre la noción actual de hecho histórico: entre contingencia y construcción”Scripta Nova. Revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, Vol. 12, No. 270 (145).

Kusa, D. (2009). «Methodologies of using history as a tool for conciliation (across time, across groups) by stressing multiperspectivity, inclusion, critical thinking and comparison«. Conference in Berlin, 29th May 2009.

Kwiatkowski, N. (2012). “Imagen, representación y vías de acceso al pasado”. Revista CS, No. 9, pp. 145-166.

Liakos, A. (2008). “Come il passato diventa storia? L’uso metaforico della psicanalisi”Contemporanea, Rivista di storia dell’800 e del ‘900, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 260-270.

Lisboa, J. L. (2009). “Facts Being…”. Storia della Storiografia, No. 55, pp. 3-28.

Lorenz, C. & Bevernage, B. (2013). “Breaking up Time. Negotiating the Borders between Present, Past and Future”Storia della Storiografia, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 31-51.

Lorenz, C. (2001). “History, forms of representation and functions”, en N. Smelser & P. Baltus, eds. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 10. Elsevier Publishers, pp. 6835-6842.

Lorenz, C. (2001). “History, theories and methods”, en N. Smelser, N. & P. Baltus, eds. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 10. Elsevier Publishers, pp. 6835-6842.

Lorenz, C. (1994). “Historical Knowledge and Historical Reality: a Plea for ‘Internal Realism’”. History and Theory, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 297-327.

Mendiola, A. (2012). “¿Es posible el diálogo entre filosofía e historia? El caso O’Gorman”. Nuevo Mundo. Mundos Nuevos. Coloquios.

Mudrovcic, M. I. (2003). “Alcances y límites de perspectivas psicoanalíticas en historia”. Dianoia, Vol. 46, No. 50, pp. 111-127.

Munslow, A. (2011). “The Historian as Author”SPIEL, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 73-88.

Olábarri, I. (1992-1993). “Qué historia comparada”Studia histórica. Historia contemporánea, Vols. 10-11, pp. 33-76.

Ovalle, D. (2019). “Entre el medievalismo y la teoría de la Historia. Entrevista a Jaume Aurell”. História Unisinos. Brasil, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 133-137.

Ovalle, D. (2019). “Teoría de la Historia, conciencia histórica e historia conceptual: una conversación con Javier Fernández Sebastian”. Historiografías, revista de historia y teoría, No. 18, pp. 112-121.

Ovalle, D. (2018). “Roger Chatier y Paul Ricoeur: Representación y verdad como fundamentos del trabajo historiador”. Historia 396, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 189-220.

Ovalle, D. (2017). “Paul Ricoeur y el pacto de verdad entre historiador y lector: epistemología y condición histórica”, en R. Moreno, P. Corti & J. L. Widow, eds. La verdad en la historia. Inventio, creatio, imaginatio. RiL editores – Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, pp. 75-90.

Paul, H. (2013). “The heroic study of records: The contested persona of the archival historian”History of the Human Sciences.

Pihlainen, K. (2015). “The view from the fence”Rethinking History, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 310-321.

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1.4. Historia, ciencia y literatura

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Lorenz, C. (2008). “Drawing the Line: ‘Scientific’ Histoy between Myth-making and Myth-breaking”, en S. Berger, L. Eriksonas & A. Mycock, eds. Narrating the Nation: Representations in History, Media and the Arts. Berghahn, pp. 35-55.

Lorenz, C. (2008). “Scientific Historiography”, en A. Tucker, ed. Blackwell Companion to Philosophy of History and Historiography. Blackwell, pp. 398-408.

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Paul, H. (2012). “Manuals on Historical Method: A Genre of Polemical Reflection on the Aims of Science”, en R. Bod, J. Maat & T. Weststeijn, eds. The Making of the Humanities, Vol. 3. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 171-182.

Paul, H. (2011). “Performing History: How Historical Scholarship is Shaped by Epistemic Virtues”History and Theory, Theme Issue 50, pp. 1-19.

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Zhang, L. (1998). “Cultural Differences and Cultural Constructs: Reflections on Jewish and Chinese Literalism”. Poetics Today, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 305-328.

2. Historiografía por periodos

2.1. Historiografía general

Assis, A. (2011). “Por que se escrevia história? Sobre a justificação da historiografia no mundo ocidental pré-moderno”, en M. Salomon, ed. História, verdade e tempo. Argos, pp. 105-131.

Aurell, J. (2012). “Los lenguajes de la historia: entre el análisis y la narración”Memoria y Civilización. Anuario de Historia, Vol. 15, pp. 301-317.

Carbonell, C. O. (1982). “Pour una histoire de l’historiographie”Storia della storiografia, No. 1, pp. 7-25.

Gorman, J. (2009). “The Grammar of Historiography”. (Texto pronunciado en el Seminario de Investigación de Filosofía de la Historia en el Instituto de Investigación Histórica de la University of London, Senate House, 22 de enero de 2009).

Jansen, H. (2012). “Is there a Future for History? On the Need for a Philosophy of History and Historiography”BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review, Vol. 127, No. 4, pp. 121-129.

Lorenz, C. (2011). “History and Theory”, en D. Woolf & A. Schneider, eds. The Oxford History of Historical Writing, Vol. 5. Oxford University Press, pp. 13-35.

Lorenz, C. (2004). “Towards a theoretical framework for comparing historiographies: some preliminary considerations”, en P. Seixas, ed. Theorizing Historical Consciousness. University of Toronto Press, pp. 25-48.

Lorenz, C. (1999). “You got your history, I goy mine’: some reflections on truth and objectivity in history”Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, No. 10, pp. 563-584.

Palos, J. L. (2001). “Seis miradas a la historia de Cataluña: de J. H. Elliott a H. Kamen”, en J. M. De Bernardo, ed. I Conferencia Internacional Hacia un Nuevo Humanismo, Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoración de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, Vol. I. Madrid, pp. 191-203.

Paul, H. (2011). “Self-Images of the Historical Profession: Idealized Practices and Myths of Origin”Storia della Storiografia, Vol. 59-60, pp. 157-170.

Paul, H. (2011). “Fathers of History: Metamorphoses of a Metaphor”Storia della Storiografia, Vol. 59-60, pp. 251-267.

Scott, J. W. (2009). “Knowledge, Power, and Academic Freedom”Social Research, Vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 451-480.

Sivasundaram, S. (2010). “Sciences and the Global: on Methods, Questions, and Theory”. Isis, No. 101, pp. 146-158.

Tozzi, V. (2006). “¿Por qué reescribimos la historia? Sobre el despropósito de un relato definitivo sobre el pasado”. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, XXXI, No. 2, pp. 315-340.

Tucker, A. (2009). “Introduction”, en A. Tucker, ed. A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Wiley-Blackwell.

Woolf, D. (2005). “Historiography”. Artículo de 53 páginas sobre la historia de la historia global, para el New Dictionary of the History of Ideas , ed. M.C. Horowitz. Scribners, Vol. 1, pp. xxxv-lxxxviii.

2.2. Historiografía antigua y medieval

Aurell, J. (2010). “Decontextualizing Stories to Construct Historical Texts: Bernat Desclot’s Representations of the Past”, en R. A. Maxwell, ed. Representing History, 900-1300: Art, Music, History. Penn State University Press, pp. 91-108.

Aurell, J. (2006). “El nuevo medievalismo y la interpretación de los textos históricos”Hispania. Revista Española de Historia, Vol. 66, No. 224, pp. 809-832.

Aurell, J (2005). “From Genealogies to Chronicles: The Power of the Form in Medieval Catalan Historiography”Viator. Medieval and Reinassance Studies, No. 6436, pp. 235-264.

Barker, E. T. E. (2006). “Paging the oracle: interpretation, identity and performance in Herodutus’ History”Greece & Rome, No. 58, pp. 1-28.

Chaniotis, A (1991). “Gedenktage der Griechen: Ihre Bedeutung für das Geschichtsbewußtsein griechischer Poleis” en J. Assmann, ed. Das Fest und das Heilinge. Religiöse Kontrapunkte zur Alltagswelt (Studiem zum Verstehen fremder Religionen, 1). Gütersloher Verlagshaus, pp. 123-145.

Houdard, S. (2016). “I would rather not to : de Boniface V au cardinal Melville. La scène mélancolique du pouvoir”. Les Dossiers du Grihl.

Marozzi, J. (2008). “History on the Front Line”, en The Way of Herodotus: Travels with the Man Who Invented History. John Murray.

Martínez Lacy, J. R. (2018). “El Coloso de Rodas y el terremoto de 228 a.C.”. Nova Tellus, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 145-148.

Martínez Lacy, J. R. (2018). “Interpretación de las guerras serviles”, en R. Martínez Lacy. Hermenéutica de la esclavitud. Actas del XXXVII Coloquio del GIREA. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, pp. 95-97.

Martínez Lacy, J. R. (2016). “La literatura judía y la historia entre la guerra de los Macabeos (167 a.C) y la rebelión de Bar Kokba (135 d.C.)”. Acta Poética, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 137-143.

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Nirenberg, D. (2014). “‘Judaism’, ‘Islam’, and the Dangers of Knowledge in Christian Culture, with special attention to the case of King Alfonso X, ‘the Wise’, of Castile”, en C. Burnett & P. Mantas-España, eds. Mapping Knowledge: Cross-Pollination in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Oriens Academica, pp. 253-76.

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Nirenberg, D. (2007). “Race and the Middle Ages: The Case of Spain and its Jews”, en M. R. Greer, et al., eds. Rereading the Black Legend: The Discourses of Religious and Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires. The University of Chicago Press, pp. 71-87, 335-345.

Nirenberg, D. (2006). “Figures of Thought and Figures of Flesh: ‘Jews’ and ‘Judaism’ in Late Medieval Spanish Poetry and Politics”. Speculum, Vol. 81, No. 2, pp. 398-426.

Nirenberg, D. (2004). “Love Between Muslim and Jew in Medieval Spain: A Triangular Affair”, en H. J. Hames, ed. Jews, Muslims, and Christians in and Around the Crown of Aragon: Essays in Honour of Professor Elena Lourie. Brill, pp. 127-155.

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2.3. Historiografía del renacimiento y del barroco

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3.4. Historia y cine

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4. Memoria e historia

4.1. Memoria social

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4.2. Políticas de la memoria

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4.3. Lugares y prácticas de memoria

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4.4. Nación, memoria e historia

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5. Historia por épocas y enfoques

5.1. Historia global y transcultural

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5.2. Historia medioambiental

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5.3. Historia de las mujeres y de género

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5.4. Historia cultural e intelectual

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5.7. Historia social

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5.9. Historia de Asia Oriental

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5.10. Estudios postcoloniales y afroamericanos

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5.11. Historia económica

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