Dr. Berber Bevernage
Profesor Lector de Teoría de la Historia, Ghent University.
e-mail: berber.bevernage@ugent.be
Algunas publicaciones recientes
- Bevernage, B. (2013).
History, Memory, and State-Sponsored Violence: Time and Justice. Routledge.
- Bevernage, B. & Lorenz, C. (2013).
Breaking up Time: Negotiating the Borders Between Present, Past and Future. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Bevernage, B. (2011).
«History by Parliamentary Vote: Science, Ethics and Politics in the Lumumba Commission». History Compass, no. 9.
Textos para descargar
- Bevernage, B. (2014).
“Transitional Justice and Historiography: Challenges, Dilemmas and Possibilites”. Macquarie Law Journal, vol. 13, pp. 7-24.
- Bevernage, B. & Colaert, L. (2014).
“History from the grave? Politics of time in Spanish mass grave exhumations”. Memory Studies, pp. 1-17.
- Bevernage, B. & Lorenz, C. (2013).
“Breaking up Time. Negotiating the Borders between Present, Past and Future”. Storia della Storiografia, vol. 63, n.1, pp. 31-51.
- Bevernage, B. (2012).
- Bevernage, B. (2012).
“From Philosophy of History to Philosophy of Historicities. Some Ideas on a Potential Future of Historical Theory”. Low Countries Historical Review, vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 113-120.
- Bevernage, B. (2011).
“History by Parliamentary Vote: Science, Ethics and Politics in the Lumumba Commission”. History Compass, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 300-311.
- Bevernage, B. (2010).
«Writing the Past out of the Present. History and Politics of Time in Transitional Justice». History Workshop Journal, no. 69, pp. 111-131.
- Bevernage, B. and Aerts, K. (2009).
«Haunting pasts: time and historicity as constructed by the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo and radical Flemish nationalists». Social History, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 391-408.
- Bevernage, B. (2008).
«Time, Presence and Historical Injustice». History and Theory, no. 47, 2, pp. 149-167.