Dra. Magdalena S. Sánchez
Profesora de Historia Moderna, Gettysburg College.
e-mail: msanchez@gettysburg.edu
Algunas publicaciones recientes
- Sánchez, M & Palos, J. Ll., eds. (2016).
Early Modern Dynastic Marriages and Cultural Transfer. Ashgate.
- Sánchez, M. (2015).
«Where Palace and Convent Met: The Descalzas Reales in Madrid». Sixteenth century journal: the journal of Early Modern Studies, Vol. 46, No. 1.
- Sánchez, M. (1998).
The Empress, the Queen, and the Nun: Women and Power at the Court of Philip III of Spain. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Textos para descargar
- Sánchez, M. (1993).
«Confession and complicity: Margarita de Austria, Richard Haller, S. J. and the court of Philip III». Cuadernos de historia moderna, No. 14, pp. 133-138.