
Dr. Longxi Zhang

Catedrático de Literatura Comparada y Traducción, City University of Hong Kong.

e-mail: ctlxzh@cityu.edu.hk

Algunas publicaciones recientes

From Comparison to World Literature. State University of New York Press

Unexpected Affinities: Reading across Cultures. University of Toronto Press.

Allegoresis: Reading Canonical Literature East and West. Cornell University Press.

Textos para descargar

«Canon, Citation and Pedagogy : The Homeric Epics and the Book of Poetry», en Mutschler, F.-H., ed. The Homeric Epics and the Chinese Book of Songs Foundational Texts Compared. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 207-223.

«Comparison and Correspondence: Revisiting an Old Idea for the Present Time». Comparative Literature Studies, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 766-785.

“Cross-Cultural Translatability: Challenges and Prospects”. European Review, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 369-78.

«Re-conceptualizing China in our Time: From a Chinese Perspective». European Review, vol. 23, no. 2, pp 193-209.

“Crossroads, Distant Killing, and Translation: On the Ethics and Politics of Comparison”, en Felski, R. & Stanford Friedman, S., eds. Comparison: Theories, Approaches, Uses. The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 46-63.

«The Complexity of Difference: Individual, Cultural, and Cross-Cultural». Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, vol. 35, no. 3-4, pp. 341-52.

«Marco Polo, Chinese cultural identity, and an alternative model of East-West encounter». Publicado en Iannucci, A. A. & Conklin Akbari, S., eds. Marco Polo and the Encounter of East and West. University of Toronto Press, pp. 280-296.

«The Utopian Vision, East and West». Utopian Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-20.

«The Ambiguity of Cultural Identity: Gu Jiegang and the Rethinking of the Chinese Tradition». Texto presentado en el encuentro anual de la Association of Asian Studies, abril, Washington D. C.

«Revolutionary as Christ: The Unrecognized Savior in Lu Xun’s Works». Christianity and Literature, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 81-93.

«Western Theory and Chinese Reality». Critical Inquiry, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 105-130.

«The Myth of the Other: China in the Eyes of the West». Critical Inquiry, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 108-131.