Antonis Liakos

Dr. Antonis Liakos

Professor, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Athens.


Some recent publications

How the Past turns to history. Polis.

The Nation. How was envisaged by those who wanted to change the world?. Polis.

L’Unificazione italiana e la Grande Idea (1859-1871). Aletheia.

Texts to download

“History Wars: Notes from the field”, in Susanne Popp, ed. Yearbook of the International Society for the Didactics of History. Wochenschau Verlag, pp. 57-74.

“On negative consciousness”, in Maria Stassinopoulou & Ioannis Zelepos, eds. Griechische Kultur in Sudosteuropa in der Neuzeit. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 221-228.

“Hellenism and the Making of Modern Greece: Time, Language, Space”, in Katerina Zacharia, ed. Hellenisms. Culture, Identity and ethnicity from Antiquity to Modernity. Ashgate, pp. 201-236.

“Come il passato diventa storia? L’uso metaforico della psicanalisi”Contemporanea, Rivista di storia dell’800 e del ‘900, no. 11,2, pp. 260-270.

“The Implied Canon of European History: Framework of Comparative Activities”. Paper to the Conference “Comparative History in/on Europe. The state of the art”. Budapest, Central European University, November 9-11.

“Modern Greek Historiography (1974-2000). The Era of Tradition from Dictatorship to Democracy”, in Ulf Brunbauer, ed. (Re)Writing History. Historiography in Southeast Europe after Socialism. LIT Verlag, pp. 351-378.