Dr. Peter Aronsson
Vicerrector, Decano y Profesor de Historia, Linnaeus University.
e-mail: peter.aronsson@lnu.se
Some recent publications
- Aronsson, P. y L. Gradén, eds. (2012).
Performing Nordic Heritage. Everuday Practices and Institutional Culture. Ashgate.
- Aronsson, P.; Knell, S. y A. Amundsen, eds. (2010).
National Museums. Studies from around the World. Routledge.
- Aronsson, P. y A. Nyblom, eds. (2008).
Comparing: National Museums, Territories, Nation-Building and Change. Linköping University Electronic Press.
Texts to download
- Aronsson, P. (2012).
“Writing the Museum”, en Hegardt, J., ed. The Museum Beyond the Nationo. National Historical Museum, pp. 17-39.
- Aronsson, P. y G. Elgenius eds. (2011).
Building National Museums in Europe (1750-2010). Conference proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizeno. Bologna, 28-30 April 2011. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Aronsson, P. (2011).
“The Productive Dilemmas of History”, en Ruin, H. y A. Ers, eds. Rethinking Time essays on historical consciousness, memory, and representationo. Södertörn Philosophical Studies, pp. 29-38.