
Dra. May Bo Ching

Profesora de Historia y Directora del Departamento de Chino e Historia, The City University of Hong Kong.


Algunas publicaciones recientes

«Itinerant Singers: Triangulating the Canton–Hong Kong–Macau Soundscape», en E. Tagliacozzo, H. F. Siu & P. C. Perdue, eds. Asia Inside Out: Itinerant People. Harvard University Press, pp. 244-270.

«Pictures and Music from Stone: the Indigenization of Lithography in Modern China, 1876–1945». Journal of Modern Chinese History, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 180-202.

«Rethinking Media History in Modern China: the Cases of Lithography, Slide Shows, the Telegraph, and Motion Pictures». Journal of Modern Chinese History, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 175-179.

Textos para descargar

«Chinese History in China : The State of the Field (1980s-2010s)», en M. Szonyi, ed. A Companion to Chinese History. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 28-43.

«The Flow of Turtle Soup from the Caribbean via Europe to Canton, and Its Modern American Fate». Gastronomica: the Journal of Critical Food Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 79-89.

«Chopsticks or Cutlery? How Canton Hong Merchants Entertained Foreign Guests in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries», en K. Johnson, ed. Narratives of Free Trade: The Commercial Cultures of Early US-China Relations. Hong Kong University Press.